Allergic eczema, or atopic dermatitis, is a type of skin inflammation that isn’t contagious but significantly weakens your skin barrier. Atopic dermatitis causes dry, itchy, flaky patches on your skin that may trigger or flare up when exposed to irritants. Treatment for eczema at the Asthma and Allergies Center in Lanham, MD includes oral or topical medications to soothe your skin and fight inflammation, or light therapy to remove blemishes.
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What is eczema?
Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis, is a common skin condition that causes dry, flaky, itchy patches on your skin that may aggravate or flare up due to exposure to irritants. This is most common in children, who gradually outgrow it once they reach adulthood.
How is eczema caused?
Though the exact cause of eczema is unknown, it is believed that it could occur due to a combination of several factors. These include:
- A gene mutation can cause the development of eczema that may have passed down from your parents.
- Any irritant or allergen can activate your immune system to overreact and identify it as a foreign invader.
Triggering factors:
- Environmental Factors like dry air, smoke, soaps, detergents, dust mites
- Frequent hormonal fluctuations can develop skin rashes, especially during pregnancy and menstrual cycle.
- Emotional Factors like stress, anxiety, or depression
- Certain Foods like peanuts, eggs, dairy, soy products
What Are The Symptoms of Eczema?
The symptoms of eczema may vary based on the age, type, and severity of your condition. Common symptoms include:
- Red, pale pink, light brown, or gray, dry, scaly skin rashes
- Thickened, coarse skin
- Open, crusted, or leaking sores
- Skin flushing
- Itching
How Can Eczema Be Treated?
Treatment for eczema often depends on the severity of the symptoms and what causes it. The options include:
- Use a gentle and moisturizing lotion throughout the day to avoid dry skin.
- Topical and oral steroids reduce inflammation, itching, redness, and swelling.
- Immunosuppressant drugs help regulate your immune system.
- Light Therapy
- Avoid Triggers
- Keep the room temperature as regular as possible. Avoid exposing yourself to extreme temperatures.
- Take a warm water bath instead of a hot bath to prevent dry skin.
- Use cotton clothes as much as possible.
- Avoid rubbing or scratching your skin often.
Eczema is a common inflammatory skin condition that can be distressing due to itchy rashes. This can have psychological effects by making you self-conscious, in addition to negatively impacting your quality of life. Consult an allergist right away for further evaluation to know the root cause of your symptoms.