THC syrup is a form of cannabis that has gained popularity in recent years. This liquid form of THC offers a different way to consume cannabis compared to smoking or eating edibles. liquid thc syrup is a liquid form of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), the main psychoactive compound in cannabis. It is usually made by mixing THC extract with a sweet syrup base. This creates a product that can be easily mixed into drinks or taken on its own. When you consume THC syrup, it enters your body through your digestive system. This is different from smoking cannabis, where THC enters through the lungs. The way THC enters the body affects how quickly you feel its effects and how long they last.
Journey through the digestive system
Once you swallow THC syrup, it travels down your oesophagus and into your stomach. In the stomach, the syrup mixes with digestive juices. This process starts to break down the syrup and release the THC molecules. From the stomach, the mixture moves into the small intestine. This is where most of the absorption happens. The walls of the small intestine are lined with tiny structures called villi. These villi increase the surface area of the intestine, making it easier to absorb nutrients and other compounds, including THC.
Absorption into the bloodstream
As the THC molecules pass through the intestinal walls, they enter the bloodstream. This process is not instant. It can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours for the THC to start circulating in your blood. Before the THC can reach the rest of your body, it passes through the liver. This organ plays a crucial role in processing THC. In the liver, enzymes change some of the THC into a different compound called 11-hydroxy-THC. This new compound is actually more potent than THC itself.
Spreading through the body
Once the THC and 11-hydroxy-THC are in the bloodstream, they travel throughout the body. They can then interact with cannabinoid receptors in various organs and tissues. These receptors are part of the body’s endocannabinoid system, which helps regulate many bodily functions.
The brain is a key target for these compounds. When they reach the brain, they can bind to receptors there, leading to the “high” feeling associated with cannabis use. The effects can include changes in mood, perception, and cognitive function. The onset of effects is usually slower, but they can persist for several hours. Some people may feel the effects for up to 12 hours after consumption. These effects of liquid thc syrup can be strong and long-lasting, so it’s crucial to use it responsibly.
Over time, the body breaks down and eliminates THC and its by products. This happens mainly through urine and faeces. However, because THC can be stored in fat cells, traces of it can remain in the body for days or even weeks after use.
While understanding how liquid THC syrup absorption in the body works is interesting, it’s important to use cannabis products responsibly. The potency and long-lasting effects of THC syrup mean it’s easy to consume more than intended. Always start with a low dose and wait to feel the effects before taking more.
The science behind THC syrup absorption in the body involves a complex journey through the digestive system, liver, and bloodstream. This process affects how quickly the effects are felt, how intense they are, and how long they last. Understanding this science can help users make informed decisions about consumption.