It’s no secret that social media plays a huge role in the world of marketing today. But, how can you know if your social media efforts are making an impact? A social media audit can help! It’s a systematic approach to understanding your content on social media and which platforms are performing better than others. Social media audits provide a great way for businesses to understand how their digital marketing works and where they could be doing better. Below are some of the basic content to be captured in a social media audit template.

  1. Audience Demographics

The first step in any kind of social media analysis is researching who is using it. If you want your audience to engage with your brand, you’re going to need to target the people who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer. For an effective social media audit, you’ll have to research demographics like age, gender, interests, location, education level, income, marital status, occupation and many other factors that play into whether or not someone will want to engage with your business. Understanding these demographics enables you to better tailor your strategy to who is most likely to buy from you.

  1. Engagement Metrics

Once you’ve figured out who uses social media, you’ll need to find out exactly how engaged they are. You may think that everyone loves your posts, but according to the metrics you should know about, this may not be true. Analytics tools like Followerwonk can give you insights like: How often do followers visit your page? What percentage of time do they spend engaging with your content? And, are there any engagement opportunities you might overlook? By gaining more insight into how your customers use social media, you can create strategies to increase overall engagement.

  1. Social Platforms Used

Depending on the industry you work within, certain social networking sites might work best for communicating with your customers. Knowing the platform used by your ideal customer allows you to focus on maximizing interactions, and makes it easier to see who performs well and who doesn’t. This means you can focus much less time and energy on irrelevant platforms.

  1. Referral Traffic

Another big factor in determining success is tracking referrals. While Google Analytics has its limitations, tools like Open Web Analytics can provide detailed information on visitors who came to your site through links posted by other websites. This can allow you to learn how successful your website is at attracting new traffic, as well as how relevant those sources are to your target demographic.

  1. Conversion Rate

With analytics, you can measure all sorts of things: traffic, reach, click-through rate, conversions, etc. However, none of this data tells you why people are clicking. The conversion rate simply shows how effective your strategy was based on the number of people you reached versus the number of people who bought from you. Measuring conversion rates allows you to determine if your strategies are working well so you can keep trying new ones.

  1. Publishing Metrics

You should also track publishing metrics when monitoring social networks through social media audit templates. After posting content regularly, it’s important to measure how many times you get views and clicks. This will tell you which post formats worked best while others did not. You don’t want old or unengaging content clogging up your feed!

If you are not an expert in conducting social media audits, then you must hire a digital marketing company having experts in their field like NetbaseQuid. This is a leading global provider of digital marketing services across multiple industries. Some of NetbaseQuid’s services that have given them leverage in the world of marketing include branding, trend analytics, campaign strategy, crisis management, product innovation and launch, and influencer and KOL marketing.