A child custody agreement is a legal contract between the parents of a child, developed and signed by both parties, which details the time and conditions under which each parent will have custody. The decision about enforcing the agreement is made on a case-by-case basis to fit the needs of that particular family. This agreement lays out how enforced child custody arrangements and the potential consequences for those who fail to abide by them. You can seek the help of a Connecticut child custody lawyer to know more about child custody and how it will be enforced.
In order to investigate and enforce a child custody agreement, the court will need to review the agreement and make decisions about what is in the best interest of the child. If one parent does not abide by the decision made by the court, they can be held in contempt, which could potentially lead to jail time or fines.
Different Ways to Enforce Child Custody Agreement
A Child Custody Agreement is an agreement reached between divorcing parents in order to determine custody rights, visitation schedules, and how the child support payments will be made. Child Custody Agreements are legally enforceable through the court system by filing a separate Uniform Child Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act petition to modify, enforce, or register.
Three main ways in which you can pursue enforcement of child custody agreement are as follows:
- Compromise and common sense
Child custody agreements are often one of the most contentious issues when parents divorce. Parents often enter an agreement with the expectation that the other parent will comply with it strictly, but this is not always the case. Enforcement through compromise and common sense is the only way to ensure that all parents live up to their promises.
- Police intervention
Across the United States, parents are increasingly fighting over child custody agreements. In response to this, several states have been enforcing their child custody agreements with police intervention if necessary. In the majority of these cases, the parent that does not have primary custody of the children is violating an agreement by unreasonably denying visitation time for a parent with primary custody.
- Motion to enforce or motion to contempt
In a divorce, it is likely that there will be a custody agreement as to the care and custody of any minor children. Oftentimes, parents do not abide by the agreements they themselves have negotiated, and this leads to disputes that can be resolved without extensive court intervention. When this agreement falls into dispute, one or both parties may file a motion to enforce or a motion to contempt.